Monday, January 4, 2016

It's 2016!

I'm back in the office after a relatively long hiatus for me -- 12 full days -- which is maybe the longest I've ever taken off of work, ever.  As I've written before, one of my goals for a long time has been to take a two-week vacation. This time-off almost hit that mark.  I was able to finish up a lot of personal projects that I had put off forever, and I think I learned a lot about myself by taking time off. By the end of it, I was definitely very excited to get back to work.  For better or worse, so much of who I am and how I perceive myself is wrapped up in my work.

I didn't set any New Years resolutions. Not to say I don't have goals -- I have lots of them --  I'm just not a huge believer in New Years resolutions.  I think that if there is something I want to accomplish, any time of year is a good time to start tackling it. I do think one of the things that came out of my 'time-off' reflections though is that I need to continue to prioritize my personal life and relationships, because I can very easily get sucked into work.  Generally, I think I'm doing much better than I was a year ago, though :)  I just need to keep working at it!

Happy New Year everyone!

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