Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Teaching Kids to Use Git and GitHub

Today, we're at Google for the last day of our internship bootcamp.  One Googler who is volunteering with us for the day made a comment to a group of students that he didn't know how to use Git or GitHub until he was out of college.

For non-techies out there, GitHub is an online platform that allows developers to share and work on software projects collaboratively. In many instances, GitHub is used a professional social network and can help with hiring.

You can read more about Git and GitHub here.

At ScriptEd, we have an aim to give our kids not only the education they needs to learn about coding, software development and computer science, but also the the tools they'll need to be successful in the tech industry. Our kids have a head start because they learn how to use Git and GitHub while they're still in high school. This helps make them employable and introduces them to an important part of the tech community.

GitHub's Mascot, the Octocat!

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